Monday, February 25, 2008

I am so glad God gave us Sunday's to rejoice and relax! How I appreciate that! Yesterday we relaxed after working all weekend on the launch of our new Internet Communications Company, Planetary Streams. I was so tired after working that I threw a yummy dinner in the crockpot and crawled back into bed!
Crawl Back into Bed Sunday Dinner
1/2 - 1 lbs. lean meat
1 can green beans
1 can enchilada auce
1 can spiced beans
1 bag of carrot sticks (needed to be used from by refrigerator drawer)
1 bag frozen mixed veggies
1 can stewed tomtoes
Diced garlic (from oversized jar in fridge)
Start the crock pot on low and go back to bed!!!!!!!!!!!
How much snow do you think we have now? Total left almost 6 feet and that is not accumulative or we would be over 10 feet I am sure! See these photos! You would think we would be tired of watching TV & Radio by Sunday but the snain, what I call snow and rain, joined with the winds and was pummeling our home, so we watched the Oscars. It was cold, dark, nasty and none of us wanted to leave the house. We curled up in blankets and listened to all of the thank yous and critiqued the dresses. My favorite Academy Award Dress was Helen Mirrens and Nicole Kidman’s necklace. We love John Travolta dancing in and we wondered what was wrong with Owen Wilson. All and all a fairly entertaining evening though really we are partial to Home Makeover which has enough human compassion and love in it that you don’t feel quite so bad about the world when you are done watching it!

Well today marks the day before the big launch of the Planetary Vision powered by Planetary Streams at It’s an internet communications company specializing in Talk TV & Radio for website and we have a lot of FREE offerings any website owner will love! We are also launching the Bluebird Sisterhood and celebrating the Grapevine Talk Radio Networks 3rd Birthday this week along with Festivus!, Join us!

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